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DOGE attempts to enter an agency building led to physical standoff that spilled into court <a href=>kraken darknet</a> A small federal agency that sends money to help communities in Africa became a flashpoint Thursday in the Trump administration’s efforts to shut down foreign aid and reduce the size of the federal government. A Trump-backed government official, staffers from the Department of Government Efficiency and federal law enforcement entered the offices of the U.S. African Development Foundation on Thursday, and the fight between the Senate-confirmed foundation’s board and Trump administration emissaries spilled into an emergency court fight, according to court records and photos of the in-person standoff captured by the New York Times. kraken вход The standoff was quelled when a judge stepped in Thursday afternoon, keeping the foundation’s existing board in place for a few days until a court hearing could take place. The African Development Foundation, an independent agency that has provided more than $100 million to African farmers, entrepreneurs and community organizations in the last five years, has been among the foreign aid groups that Trump has targeted to eliminate via an executive order he issued two weeks ago. The work of DOGE at the agency so far, the lawsuit says, mirrors how other foreign aid agencies have been dismantled by the Trump administration. Trump’s plan for the African Development Foundation snapped into action almost immediately, with DOGE staffers meeting with the foundation’s leadership within days of Trump’s February 21 executive order. The Trump administration then told a board member, Ward Brehm, he was being removed from his position, and a new acting chair would be in charge. Faced with the overhaul, the board held an emergency meeting on Monday to push back, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington this week. The board decided Trump’s appointee, Peter Marocco — the de-facto acting leader of USAID, another agency Trump has targeted — was not lawfully in the job, and they alerted Congress, the removed board member Ward Brehm’s lawsuit said. Marocco still showed up at the fund’s headquarters with staffers of the Department of Government Efficiency on Wednesday afternoon. They “were denied access to those offices,” the lawsuit said. “Marocco and his colleagues threatened to return to the offices with United States Marshals and Secret Service.”


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Narwhals may be using their tusks to play, new study finds <a href=>lucky jet игра</a> Scientists say they have the first recorded video evidence of narwhals using tusks not only to strike and manipulate fish during feeding but also engage in what appears to be playful behavior, according to the latest research. The narwhal, often referred to as the “unicorn of the sea” in a nod to its trademark tusk, has long remained an enigma. Scientists have observed few interactions of narwhals in their natural habitat, creating speculation about the purpose of the species’ distinctive spiraling tusk. сайт lucky jet Found predominantly in males, the tusk grows up to 10 feet (3 meters) long — and previous research has suggested it serves as a competitive display to secure mates. But now, with the help of drones, research conducted in the Canadian High Arctic has uncovered that a narwhal may use its tusk for more than just courtship. In total, the researchers newly identified and described 17 distinct behaviors of narwhals involving prey. The findings revealed a wide range of interactions and dynamics between narwhals and fish as well as the extraordinary agility, precision and speed of their tusks to track moving targets, according to the study published February 27 in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science. “Seeing that these animals are not actually hunting the fish but exploring, manipulating and interacting with it was really a game changer,” said lead author Dr. Gregory O’Corry-Crowe, a research professor in the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University. Since so little is understood about this whale species, researchers like O’Corry-Crowe and his colleagues are working diligently to conduct studies to document narwhals’ unknown behaviors to better understand how these animals adapt in a rapidly shifting habitat as oceans warm and sea ice melts. Narwhal exploratory behavior The study team captured the groundbreaking footage using drones in Creswell Bay, on the eastern side of Somerset Island in Canada’s Nunavut territory, during the summer of 2022. As the researchers analyzed the footage, they noticed subtle nuances in the narwhals’ behavior. Footage even captured one instance of a narwhal interacting with a fish by repeatedly nudging it with its tusk — which is actually a giant tooth — without attempting to eat it. When researchers observed a lack of aggression in some interactions between narwhals and fish, they realized these scenarios were more similar to a cat-and-mouse game, in which the animals were chasing or “playing” rather than hunting, O’Corry-Crowe said.


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DOGE attempts to enter an agency building led to physical standoff that spilled into court <a href=>kraken тор браузер</a> A small federal agency that sends money to help communities in Africa became a flashpoint Thursday in the Trump administration’s efforts to shut down foreign aid and reduce the size of the federal government. A Trump-backed government official, staffers from the Department of Government Efficiency and federal law enforcement entered the offices of the U.S. African Development Foundation on Thursday, and the fight between the Senate-confirmed foundation’s board and Trump administration emissaries spilled into an emergency court fight, according to court records and photos of the in-person standoff captured by the New York Times. kraken darknet The standoff was quelled when a judge stepped in Thursday afternoon, keeping the foundation’s existing board in place for a few days until a court hearing could take place. The African Development Foundation, an independent agency that has provided more than $100 million to African farmers, entrepreneurs and community organizations in the last five years, has been among the foreign aid groups that Trump has targeted to eliminate via an executive order he issued two weeks ago. The work of DOGE at the agency so far, the lawsuit says, mirrors how other foreign aid agencies have been dismantled by the Trump administration. Trump’s plan for the African Development Foundation snapped into action almost immediately, with DOGE staffers meeting with the foundation’s leadership within days of Trump’s February 21 executive order. The Trump administration then told a board member, Ward Brehm, he was being removed from his position, and a new acting chair would be in charge. Faced with the overhaul, the board held an emergency meeting on Monday to push back, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington this week. The board decided Trump’s appointee, Peter Marocco — the de-facto acting leader of USAID, another agency Trump has targeted — was not lawfully in the job, and they alerted Congress, the removed board member Ward Brehm’s lawsuit said. Marocco still showed up at the fund’s headquarters with staffers of the Department of Government Efficiency on Wednesday afternoon. They “were denied access to those offices,” the lawsuit said. “Marocco and his colleagues threatened to return to the offices with United States Marshals and Secret Service.”



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Xavier completes thrilling comeback, Mount St. Mary’s advances as men’s First Four comes to a close <a href=>changenow</a> Wednesday saw the men’s First Four come to a close which means only one thing: the 64-team bracket is officially set following No. 11 Xavier’s thrilling come from behind win over No. 11 Texas and No. 16 Mount St. Mary’s victory over No. 16 American in Dayton, Ohio. The Musketeers trailed by as many as 13 points, but their offense came alive in the second half behind guard Marcus Foster and forward Zach Freemantle to down the Longhorns 86-80. The senior Foster scored a team-high 22 points while Freemantle, on his way to 15 points, threw down a dunk with a second left to seal the comeback win and ignite the fans at UD Arena, which is just over 50 miles away from campus in Cincinnati, Ohio. With just under four minutes remaining, Xavier went on an 8-2 run to take a 78-74 lead, their first since the early going of the first half. Musketeers head coach Sean Miller crowned Wednesday’s game as “one of the best” he’s been a part of. “I thought we were dead in the water two different times,” Miller told the truTV broadcast after the game. “But that’s the one thing about our team — the resiliency of our group has always won out for us. Just when you thought we weren’t gonna make the tournament, we kept winning. Even in this game, just when you’re like, ‘It’s not gonna work out,’ we have a funny way of staying with it.” The Longhorns did not go down without a fight as guard Tre Johnson scored a game-high 23 points in the loss. Xavier will face No. 6 Illinois in the first round on Friday at the Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee.


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Narwhals may be using their tusks to play, new study finds <a href=>bot lucky jet</a> Scientists say they have the first recorded video evidence of narwhals using tusks not only to strike and manipulate fish during feeding but also engage in what appears to be playful behavior, according to the latest research. The narwhal, often referred to as the “unicorn of the sea” in a nod to its trademark tusk, has long remained an enigma. Scientists have observed few interactions of narwhals in their natural habitat, creating speculation about the purpose of the species’ distinctive spiraling tusk. lucky jet на деньги Found predominantly in males, the tusk grows up to 10 feet (3 meters) long — and previous research has suggested it serves as a competitive display to secure mates. But now, with the help of drones, research conducted in the Canadian High Arctic has uncovered that a narwhal may use its tusk for more than just courtship. In total, the researchers newly identified and described 17 distinct behaviors of narwhals involving prey. The findings revealed a wide range of interactions and dynamics between narwhals and fish as well as the extraordinary agility, precision and speed of their tusks to track moving targets, according to the study published February 27 in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science. “Seeing that these animals are not actually hunting the fish but exploring, manipulating and interacting with it was really a game changer,” said lead author Dr. Gregory O’Corry-Crowe, a research professor in the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University. Since so little is understood about this whale species, researchers like O’Corry-Crowe and his colleagues are working diligently to conduct studies to document narwhals’ unknown behaviors to better understand how these animals adapt in a rapidly shifting habitat as oceans warm and sea ice melts. Narwhal exploratory behavior The study team captured the groundbreaking footage using drones in Creswell Bay, on the eastern side of Somerset Island in Canada’s Nunavut territory, during the summer of 2022. As the researchers analyzed the footage, they noticed subtle nuances in the narwhals’ behavior. Footage even captured one instance of a narwhal interacting with a fish by repeatedly nudging it with its tusk — which is actually a giant tooth — without attempting to eat it. When researchers observed a lack of aggression in some interactions between narwhals and fish, they realized these scenarios were more similar to a cat-and-mouse game, in which the animals were chasing or “playing” rather than hunting, O’Corry-Crowe said.




Narwhals may be using their tusks to play, new study finds <a href=>лаки джет сайт</a> Scientists say they have the first recorded video evidence of narwhals using tusks not only to strike and manipulate fish during feeding but also engage in what appears to be playful behavior, according to the latest research. The narwhal, often referred to as the “unicorn of the sea” in a nod to its trademark tusk, has long remained an enigma. Scientists have observed few interactions of narwhals in their natural habitat, creating speculation about the purpose of the species’ distinctive spiraling tusk. lucky jet на деньги Found predominantly in males, the tusk grows up to 10 feet (3 meters) long — and previous research has suggested it serves as a competitive display to secure mates. But now, with the help of drones, research conducted in the Canadian High Arctic has uncovered that a narwhal may use its tusk for more than just courtship. In total, the researchers newly identified and described 17 distinct behaviors of narwhals involving prey. The findings revealed a wide range of interactions and dynamics between narwhals and fish as well as the extraordinary agility, precision and speed of their tusks to track moving targets, according to the study published February 27 in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science. “Seeing that these animals are not actually hunting the fish but exploring, manipulating and interacting with it was really a game changer,” said lead author Dr. Gregory O’Corry-Crowe, a research professor in the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at Florida Atlantic University. Since so little is understood about this whale species, researchers like O’Corry-Crowe and his colleagues are working diligently to conduct studies to document narwhals’ unknown behaviors to better understand how these animals adapt in a rapidly shifting habitat as oceans warm and sea ice melts. Narwhal exploratory behavior The study team captured the groundbreaking footage using drones in Creswell Bay, on the eastern side of Somerset Island in Canada’s Nunavut territory, during the summer of 2022. As the researchers analyzed the footage, they noticed subtle nuances in the narwhals’ behavior. Footage even captured one instance of a narwhal interacting with a fish by repeatedly nudging it with its tusk — which is actually a giant tooth — without attempting to eat it. When researchers observed a lack of aggression in some interactions between narwhals and fish, they realized these scenarios were more similar to a cat-and-mouse game, in which the animals were chasing or “playing” rather than hunting, O’Corry-Crowe said.


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DOGE attempts to enter an agency building led to physical standoff that spilled into court <a href=>кракен онион</a> A small federal agency that sends money to help communities in Africa became a flashpoint Thursday in the Trump administration’s efforts to shut down foreign aid and reduce the size of the federal government. A Trump-backed government official, staffers from the Department of Government Efficiency and federal law enforcement entered the offices of the U.S. African Development Foundation on Thursday, and the fight between the Senate-confirmed foundation’s board and Trump administration emissaries spilled into an emergency court fight, according to court records and photos of the in-person standoff captured by the New York Times. kraken сайт The standoff was quelled when a judge stepped in Thursday afternoon, keeping the foundation’s existing board in place for a few days until a court hearing could take place. The African Development Foundation, an independent agency that has provided more than $100 million to African farmers, entrepreneurs and community organizations in the last five years, has been among the foreign aid groups that Trump has targeted to eliminate via an executive order he issued two weeks ago. The work of DOGE at the agency so far, the lawsuit says, mirrors how other foreign aid agencies have been dismantled by the Trump administration. Trump’s plan for the African Development Foundation snapped into action almost immediately, with DOGE staffers meeting with the foundation’s leadership within days of Trump’s February 21 executive order. The Trump administration then told a board member, Ward Brehm, he was being removed from his position, and a new acting chair would be in charge. Faced with the overhaul, the board held an emergency meeting on Monday to push back, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington this week. The board decided Trump’s appointee, Peter Marocco — the de-facto acting leader of USAID, another agency Trump has targeted — was not lawfully in the job, and they alerted Congress, the removed board member Ward Brehm’s lawsuit said. Marocco still showed up at the fund’s headquarters with staffers of the Department of Government Efficiency on Wednesday afternoon. They “were denied access to those offices,” the lawsuit said. “Marocco and his colleagues threatened to return to the offices with United States Marshals and Secret Service.”


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A librarian ran off with a yacht captain in the summer of 1968. It was the start of an incredible love story <a href=>metamask wallet</a> The first time Beverly Carriveau saw Bob Parsons, she felt like a “thunderbolt” passed between them. “This man stepped out of a taxi, and we both just stared at each other,” Beverly tells CNN Travel today. “You have to remember, this is the ‘60s. Girls didn’t stare at men. But it was a thunderbolt.” It was June 1968. Beverly was a 23-year-old Canadian university librarian on vacation in Mazatlan, Mexico, with a good friend in tow. Beverly had arrived in Mazatlan that morning. She’d been blown away by the Pacific Ocean views, the colorful 19th-century buildings, the palm trees. Now, Beverly was browsing the hotel gift store, admiring a pair of earrings, when she looked up and spotted the man getting out of the taxi. The gift shop was facing the parking lot, and there he was. “I was riveted,” says Beverly. “He was tall, handsome…” Eventually, Beverly tore away her gaze, bought the earrings and dashed out of the store. “We locked eyes so long, I was embarrassed,” she says. No words had passed between them. They hadn’t even smiled at each other. But Beverly felt like she’d revealed something of herself. She felt like something had happened, but she couldn’t describe it. Beverly rushed to meet her friend, still feeling flustered. Over dinner in the hotel restaurant, Beverly confided in her friend about the “thunderbolt” moment. “I told my girlfriend, ‘Something just happened to me. I stared at this man, and I couldn’t help myself.’” Then, the server approached Beverly’s table. “He said, ‘I have some wine for you, from a man over there.’” The waiter was holding a bottle of white wine, indicating at the bar, which was packed with people. As a rule, Beverly avoided accepting drinks from men in bars. She never felt especially comfortable with the power dynamic — plus, she had a long-term partner back in Canada. “I had a serious boyfriend at home and thought my life was on course,” she says.


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DOGE attempts to enter an agency building led to physical standoff that spilled into court <a href=>kraken onion</a> A small federal agency that sends money to help communities in Africa became a flashpoint Thursday in the Trump administration’s efforts to shut down foreign aid and reduce the size of the federal government. A Trump-backed government official, staffers from the Department of Government Efficiency and federal law enforcement entered the offices of the U.S. African Development Foundation on Thursday, and the fight between the Senate-confirmed foundation’s board and Trump administration emissaries spilled into an emergency court fight, according to court records and photos of the in-person standoff captured by the New York Times. kraken The standoff was quelled when a judge stepped in Thursday afternoon, keeping the foundation’s existing board in place for a few days until a court hearing could take place. The African Development Foundation, an independent agency that has provided more than $100 million to African farmers, entrepreneurs and community organizations in the last five years, has been among the foreign aid groups that Trump has targeted to eliminate via an executive order he issued two weeks ago. The work of DOGE at the agency so far, the lawsuit says, mirrors how other foreign aid agencies have been dismantled by the Trump administration. Trump’s plan for the African Development Foundation snapped into action almost immediately, with DOGE staffers meeting with the foundation’s leadership within days of Trump’s February 21 executive order. The Trump administration then told a board member, Ward Brehm, he was being removed from his position, and a new acting chair would be in charge. Faced with the overhaul, the board held an emergency meeting on Monday to push back, according to a lawsuit filed in federal court in Washington this week. The board decided Trump’s appointee, Peter Marocco — the de-facto acting leader of USAID, another agency Trump has targeted — was not lawfully in the job, and they alerted Congress, the removed board member Ward Brehm’s lawsuit said. Marocco still showed up at the fund’s headquarters with staffers of the Department of Government Efficiency on Wednesday afternoon. They “were denied access to those offices,” the lawsuit said. “Marocco and his colleagues threatened to return to the offices with United States Marshals and Secret Service.”


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The world’s largest architectural model captures New York City in the ’90s <a href=>aerodrome finance</a> The Empire State building stands approximately 15 inches tall, whereas the Statue of Liberty measures at just under two inches without its base. At this scale, even ants would be too big to represent people in the streets below. These lifelike miniatures of iconic landmarks can be found on the Panorama — which, at 9,335 square feet, is the largest model of New York City, meticulously hand-built at a scale of 1:1,200. The sprawling model sits in its own room at the Queens Museum, where it was first installed in the 1960s, softly rotating between day and night lighting as visitors on glass walkways are given a bird’s eye view of all five boroughs of the city. To mark the model’s 60th anniversary, which was celebrated last year, the museum has published a new book offering a behind-the-scenes look at how the Panorama was made. Original footage of the last major update to the model, completed in 1992, has also gone on show at the museum as part of a 12-minute video that features interviews with some of the renovators. The Queens Museum’s assistant director of archives and collections, Lynn Maliszewski, who took CNN on a visit of the Panorama in early March, said she hopes the book and video will help to draw more visitors and attention to the copious amount of labor — over 100 full-time workers, from July 1961 to April 1964 — that went into building the model. “Sometimes when I walk in here, I get goosebumps, because this is so representative of dreams and hopes and family and struggle and despair and excitement… every piece of the spectrum of human emotion is here (in New York) happening at the same time,” said Maliszewski. “It shows us things that you can’t get when you’re on the ground.” Original purpose The Panorama was originally built for the 1964 New York World’s Fair, then the largest international exhibition in the US, aimed at spotlighting the city’s innovation. The fair was overseen by Robert Moses, the influential and notorious urban planner whose highway projects displaced hundreds of thousands New Yorkers. When Moses commissioned the Panorama, which had parts that could be removed and redesigned to determine new traffic patterns and neighborhood designs, he saw an opportunity to use it as a city planning tool. Originally built and revised with a margin of error under 1%, the model was updated multiple times before the 1990s, though it is now frozen in time. According to Maliszewski, it cost over $672,000 to make in 1964 ($6.8 million in today’s money) and nearly $2 million (about $4.5 million today) was spent when it was last revised in 1992.


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